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Mean Business

Average Rating4.59
(based on 439 reviews)

High quality and engaging educational resources predominantly for teachers of Business and Computing subjects. There's more on the website... www.meanbusiness.co.uk




High quality and engaging educational resources predominantly for teachers of Business and Computing subjects. There's more on the website... www.meanbusiness.co.uk
Display: Famous People in Business

Display: Famous People in Business

Descriptions of 10 famous people in business. Great for a small display. I’ve cut the answers off mine - you could cut these out separately and dot around the display so learners just have to match them up - or perhaps cover the names up. PDF format as it’s unlikely you’ll have the font to match.
Business Communication Methods - Worksheets (in booklet)

Business Communication Methods - Worksheets (in booklet)

FULL lesson on Business Communication Methods (no lesson plan, just worksheets in booklet). These are best used AFTER you’ve taught, or at least introduced, verbal/non-verbal communication and internal/external communication. I actually mark page 2 of the booklet as a test out of 20 to assess understanding of the topic. Space on the front for teacher assessment WWW and EBi. Starter - Identify the methods of communication from the images. Peer marked. Extension - think of more methods of communication Main - Questions (after teaching) on verbal/non-verbal and internal/external communication Main 2 - Give a suitable method of communication for Review (or second lesson) - rate methods of communication on speed, cost and whether receipt is confirmed. Enjoy.
Start-Up and Running Costs - GCSE Business Studies - Full lesson, lesson plan and 3 handouts!

Start-Up and Running Costs - GCSE Business Studies - Full lesson, lesson plan and 3 handouts!

This is another in my 'Let's Learn' series. The lesson gets students to think about their initial ideas before introducing start-up and running costs so progress can easily be judged. The lesson PowerPoint is equally good for revision if printed or made available electronically so it's even more of a bargain! There are two main activities (one is an exam style question assessment that can be peer marked with teacher guidance. The lesson plan is included to guide teachers through every step of the lesson. Enjoy!
Developing a Product Idea Project 2 (Business Studies)

Developing a Product Idea Project 2 (Business Studies)

This eight page booklet gives learners a scenario requesting the development of a new cookie snack brand. This resource follows on from Project 1 (cookies). Great for induction to Business Studies or a PSHE day! Tasks include: Logo design Logo feedback Point of Sale Promotion Operating Ethically Making a profit Scripting a pitch Delivering and evaluating a pitch This resource comes as a printable booklet but also comes in PowerPoint for learners to complete online. The full booklet has been separated into individual task sheets too, just in case your learners are less motivated when it comes to large projects. This resource in detail: Format: PPT and PDF Editing: Can’t be edited (doesn’t need editing). Host online version can be typed on and saved for handing in online. Content: 8 page booklet (PDF printable). Same version as a PPT to complete online AND seven individual sheets of the same content is setting the project separately.
OCR GCSE Business Studies Activity Booklet 6 (Influences on Business)

OCR GCSE Business Studies Activity Booklet 6 (Influences on Business)

This 6-page booklet is mapped against OCR GCSE Business Studies J204. This resource includes a printable PDF version AND a PowerPoint version that learners can complete and submit online, via Google Classroom etc. Answers included in separate PDF document! Homework sheets on: Ethical considerations (x2) Economic climate Globalisation To REDUCE MARKING - there’s the smallest space for teachers to put 4 ticks to assess each homework. Low stakes, low impact on work-load marking.
Pricing Strategies Lesson - Business Studies - FULLY Resourced

Pricing Strategies Lesson - Business Studies - FULLY Resourced

A FULL lesson on Business Pricing Strategies. DO NOT buy if you've got my Cambridge Nationals resource. This resource is not tailored to any specification or age group, ideal for all! Includes Penetration Pricing, Cost Plus, Price Skimming, Psychological Pricing and Competitive Pricing Strategies. Includes introductions to each, a note taking activity and a review activity to apply knowledge. The notes pages can also be printed for accessible revision if needed for GCSE or 'A' Level exams. All top quality. Enjoy.
OCR GCSE Business Studies Activity Booklet 4 (Operations)

OCR GCSE Business Studies Activity Booklet 4 (Operations)

This 7-page booklet is mapped against OCR GCSE Business Studies J204. This resource includes a printable PDF version AND a PowerPoint version that learners can complete and submit online, via Google Classroom etc. Answers included in separate PDF document! Activities on: Production Process / Production Methods Quality Customer Service Consumer Law Location Suppliers / Procurement      If you set one page each week, that’s more than enough for a half term. The pages also act as a good discussion point for a starter in the following lesson too (win, win!).      To REDUCE MARKING - there’s the smallest space for teachers to put 4 ticks to assess each homework. Low stakes, low work-load marking.
Partnerships Business Ownership FULL lesson includes assessment, lesson plan presentation & handout!

Partnerships Business Ownership FULL lesson includes assessment, lesson plan presentation & handout!

Everything you need to teach Sole traders and teach it well - perfect for an observation. Differentiated learning outcomes included on the presentation. The presentation would also be useful printed as some stage for revision for your learners. The two main activities include sorting advantages and disadvantages of sole trader ownership and an extended writing question. The lesson includes marking sheets that have space to match the work completed in this lesson to success criteria and space to give WWW and EBi (gap task). This is a FULL lesson; ideally a 'double' session. Starter, 2 main activities (including paired work), and a plenary. Includes a full lesson plan for your records or for whoever is observing you. Enjoy!
Sole trader Business Ownership FULL lesson includes assessment, lesson plan presentation & handout!

Sole trader Business Ownership FULL lesson includes assessment, lesson plan presentation & handout!

Everything you need to teach Sole traders and teach it well - perfect for an observation. Differentiated learning outcomes included on the presentation. The presentation would also be useful printed as some stage for revision for your learners. The two activities include sorting advantages and disadvantages of sole trader ownership and an extended writing question. The lesson includes marking sheets that have space to match the work completed in this lesson to success criteria and space to give WWW and EBi (gap task). This really is value for money. To get even more value, use the plenary from the last slide in some of your other lessons - it's not lesson specific and is quite a nice end to any lesson. Enjoy!
House Brick Challenge Lesson - Business / Primary Induction

House Brick Challenge Lesson - Business / Primary Induction

A fun resource, and very adaptable. Perfect for year 6 induction, team building sessions, GCSE Business Induction session or PSHE lesson on Enterprise. So many different uses - and suitable for a range of ages. The session gets students to come up with a new product that turns the humble house brick into something everyone wants! Fully resourced. No need for a computer if you’re teaching in a classroom - just some basic art supplies (pencils/crayons etc.). This resource includes a student example, student hand out, instructions and PowerPoint display. Enjoy.
Business Costs Challenge Booklet - EdExcel Business Topic 1.3.2

Business Costs Challenge Booklet - EdExcel Business Topic 1.3.2

A booklet containing six challenges, each increasing in complexity. Ideal for lessons after teaching fixed, variable and total costs. Challenges include calculations for profit towards the end of the booklet. Great for collaborative learning, this booklet comes as a printable version AND a PDF that can be hosted and completed online for homework or distance learning. A comprehensive answer booklet is also included. Ideal after teaching EdExcel GCSE Business Studies Topic 1.3.2.
OCR Business Topic 5.3 Business Costs Challenge Booklet

OCR Business Topic 5.3 Business Costs Challenge Booklet

A booklet containing six challenges, each increasing in complexity. Ideal for lessons after teaching fixed, variable and total costs. Challenges include calculations for profit towards the end of the booklet. Great for collaborative learning, this booklet comes as a printable version AND a PDF that can be hosted and completed online for homework or distance learning. A comprehensive answer booklet is also included. Ideal after teaching OCR GCSE Business Studies Topic 5.3
Business in Context - Case Study & Questions Sheet

Business in Context - Case Study & Questions Sheet

Best printed on A3, “Business in Context” gives learners an opportunity to read about about discuss a real business scenario. This resource is ideal traning for section B questions of the OCR GCSE Business Studies exam and content relates solely to the Business 1 specification but would suit any GCSE/A Level Business course really. This resource introduces entrepreneur Kimberlee Perry who founded fitness company “Bounce”. The scenario in the centre is factual. Six questions around the outside discuss: Qualities of an entrepreneur Stakeholders Business growth Recruitment Motivation This resource in detail: Format: PDF Editing: Not editable (no need) Content: 1 x PDF handout (best printed on A3 paper)
Break-Even Introduction (Business Studies)

Break-Even Introduction (Business Studies)

DO NOT buy if you already have my Cambridge National Resource or my OCR Homework Booklet! This is a generic introduction to Break-Even and would nicely follow my lesson on Fixed and Variable Costs (not introduced in this lesson). Two activities relating to Break-Even. Full lesson PowerPoint.
Introduction to Stakeholders - GCSE Business Studies - Fully differentiated & resourced lesson!

Introduction to Stakeholders - GCSE Business Studies - Fully differentiated & resourced lesson!

Let’s learn about… Stakeholders! This lesson is FULLY resourced with a FULL lesson plan. It would suit a double lesson because of the amount of activities involved, though some could be used for homework or the lesson could be adapted for two single periods. 1. Starter - name all groups interested in the school 2. Introduce stakeholders 3. Who is each group? Differentiated. 4. What interest does each group have? Differentiated. 5. Birmingham Airport Case Study 6. Exit tickets to review understanding/learning Suits year 9 or year 10 students who have never covered stakeholders before. Enjoy!
Private Limited Companies and Public Limited Company Ownership - FULLY resourced lesson inc. plan!

Private Limited Companies and Public Limited Company Ownership - FULLY resourced lesson inc. plan!

**SAMPLE AVAILABLE** If you want to see the quality of this resource, the lesson plan is available within my free resources. Perhaps download/view this before making your purchase. This resource includes a FULL lesson - would fill a 'double' session, or more, if needed. The slides are also GREAT for revision if printed or made available electronically to your learners. TWO student handouts are included as well as a full lesson plan. The slides introduce company ownership (both types of limited company) and include a paired task, independent task, case study questions, differentiated glossary (focus on literacy) and plenary. Plenty to keep learners focused and a really good resource for teaching GCSE Business Studies Company ownership. Lessons on sole traders and partnerships are also available in the same theme and to the same quality standard. A bundle for all three is also available, if you like the look of this lesson! Enjoy!
R067 Topic Area 1 Delivery Pack

R067 Topic Area 1 Delivery Pack

Two PowerPoints (one for 1.1 and one for 1.2 & 1.3 combined) to fully deliver R067 Topic Area 1 for the updated Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing course. All PowerPoints are editable, as are the handouts (also saved as PDF for easier printing). This resource in detail: Format: PPTX, DOCX and PDF Editing: Text is fully editable, uses Calibri font Content: 2 x Teacher PowerPoints (25 slides in total) 4 x learner handouts (4 pages in total)